HELLO,all the gamers out there.In this post, I'm gonna talk about-Left 4 Dead
Shotguns.Some players love em'.Others totally hate em'.

Yeah,shotguns do have a small amount of ammo,slow reloading,and slow firing rate, but their firepower's just worth it. For non-accurate shooters, the auto shotgun or the pump shotgun is for you. If you are already an accurate shooter and you don't need wide-spread shotguns,then choose the Spas-12 or the chrome shotgun,the tight-spread shotguns.Yeah sure, many players would choose Submachine-guns and rifles instead of these shotguns, because they don't know what they're missing. But I often balance my use of shotguns and automatics. It also depends on the kind of situation. In Crescendo Events, I normally use shotguns and pair them with fast Melee weapons such as Machetes, Tonfas, Katanas and Cricket Bats for easy disposal of mobs. In normal situations with no Crescendos, I use rifles and SMGs and pair them with either Chainsaws, Axes, or Dual Pistols for preying on unwary zombies.It's also not a bad idea to regulate your use of weapons. So don't just use 1 type of weapon everytime you play.Try out other weapons.I'm sure this will help.


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